This is to notify everyone including our fans that our gospel album songs will soon be released shortly. We shall keep you informed once it's out.
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Wednesday 4 May 2016


  MOTTO: Our God Is Glorious!

Glorious Team is from God with the aim of blessing lives for Christ. "We believe if a cripple walk, his life has been blessed," "if a sinner repents, his life has been blessed," "if a sick person gets healed, his life has been blessed mightily." Our major aim is to 'bless lives' says the vision mobilizer, Godstime O. Etine.
He also said that Glorious team was revealed to him by God while fasting and praying (40 days) to become an anointed saxophonist full of power and grace. Here is what he has to say about Glorious team existence.

   "I attended my church vigil April 29th, 2015 where a great man of God, Pst Happy Oyibo led that vigil differently from how it's been held. He formed a round circle with an olive oil and instructed each of us to kneel inside the circle while he prays for us as the spirit leads him.
    When it got to my turn, I picked three prophetic words he said; "my gift will make my face to shine,'' "I will not become a local champion but an international champion," and "my gift will bring me before great men." I proclaimed it with faith.
   So the following day, I woke up from a revelation, and the Lord ministered to me to buy saxophone. I wonder where, how and when to get the money from but but  I never ceased to give God thanks and started praying for the money to come as I have planned it. I then thought, one thing is to get the sax and another thing is to minister with grace and anointing. So for that reason, I declared 40 days fasting and praying (June - July, 2015) for more grace and anointing. I was seriously hungry to minister under God's grace.
   While the fasting proceed, the Lord ministered to me on the 4th day of the fasting, June 4th to form a team that will bless lives for Him. I ignored because my aim was to get the anointing I'm praying for, not to form a team. But the more I proceed with the fasting, the more He kept on reminding and speaking to me about the team.
   I later agreed partially before the end of the fasting to make sure my fasting be not in vain, so I ask; what should be the name of the team? He said its not yet time, He will tell me at my first ministration with sax.
  The money for the sax got completed a day to the ending of the fasting. I bought it a month time, August 8th and then resume sax class the following day.
  November 8th, 2015; a pastor took me to a program to minister (that is the first program I played sax). I ministered and forgot that I'm to get the name of the team that day. So a week later, while walking on the streat sharing my sax teacher, Mr Kunle fly out for his program, the Lord ministered to me of that day I forgot to pay attention to get the name of the team.
  I was shocked and immediately, He ministered the name of the team to my ear, -Glorious Team- I almost doubt out of surprise and why should He tell me such important information while walking on the street sharing and posting fly-out instead of while sitting at my house. I got home that day and sat down quietly while the Lord minister some scriptures that contain the name - Glorious- in confirmation of His spoken Word 'Glorious Team.' Romans 8:1. Psalms 45:13. That was how Glorious team came into existence."

The vision came to him June 4th, 2015 and took the bold step to establishing it November 14th, 2015. Before then, the Lord directed him to meet some certain persons to join the team. And by God's grace, the team now release albums, spread the gospel, and goes to different places to minister, and by God's grace, they are doing exploit.

To mention a few, They have Godstime Etine (popularly called GT Star) as the 'vision mobilizer' and 'saxophonist' (tel-  +2347032816934), Precious Ogaga as the 'president' and 'Singer' (tel -.+2348134222182), Sonia Olire as GT's 'treasurer' and 'Singer'. Clinton Etine as 'Musical Director' and 'keyboardist.' Favour Erose as 'administrator' and 'singer'. Akpevwe as 'drummer' and 'vice-president' Vera fed as 'singer'. Weyimi as 'bassist' Ese as 'singer.' Ekure Delight as 'singer' And Oluchi Ukwachukwu as 'singer.'