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Wednesday 1 February 2017

Secret of Making Things Work for Your Good

Secret of Making Things Work for Your Good

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the calling according to His purpose. - Apostle Paul.

            As a believer who has been born again, having the mark of Christ, its good you know how things will work for your good in you desire things to work for your good thing year. As much as we live, things either work for us negatively or positively. Everyone must understand that you are the controller of all what you want to see happen to you. Yes, God has endowed you with such power. You have been made a ruler by God in this generation.

            The top secret of making things work for your good is by loving God. It might sound too simple to you but that’s the key. If things must work well for your good then you need to love God with all your might, soul and spirit. Loving God is not just by saying it by mouth that you must Him. It goes beyond that.

            Listen, love is action. If you love, then you will keep His commandment (says Jesus in John 14:15). He made that statement for us to know that loving God goes beyond saying it in words or going to church only. There are many church goer who has not yet catch this light. You must come to understand that expressing true love to god is the top most key to which things are guarantee to work well for your good.

            Have you ever wondered that despite the tough economy in the world (especially in Nigeria), there are still believers living as if they don’t know what is going on? Love is at work! There is not a way and never will there be a way that God will ever disappoint that those love Him with all their heart. God always have a way of making things work well for those that love in Him even in a tough recession.

If you understand that God is not limited to any economic situation, then I believe you will do that only which pleases God. That is the way of expressing your love for him. Paul said all thing (not some nor few) work together for good to them that Love god. I want you to make up your mind today to love God with all your heart today if you want survive and succeed in this current generation. Draw close to God!

-          Glorious Team.