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Saturday 26 November 2016

What Shall Separate Us From God's Love???

What Shall Separate Us from God’s Love?

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor power, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor other creature, shall be all to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39.

            The love of God is not to be compared to any other. God’s love is super. It is a blessing to that everyone gets when born into this earth (even before one was born). There has still been no best way to explain this love of God because it’s beyond human explanation.
            So then if it’s beyond explanation, what then can separate man from such kind of love? Nothing should. But in a viewing point, life can be so tough that you won’t find it interesting to do the things of God or keep His commandment. In the time of great distress, one’s soul is normal sad and angry. Nothing pleases one them. Everything makes them angry and sorrowful. The love of God does make sense to them.
            It’s not their fault. Such is life. A man who lost his children and wife –family, will not find it easy to continue in that love. Some will even go to the extent of blaming God. “God is unfaithful.” “God has forgotten me.” “God is not seeing me.” “God does not exist.” “God’s love is fake.” “God is not love.” and so on are what some will saying during their tribulation.
            Again, it’s not their fault. Life is seriously not an easy one. Here and there, there are seriously challenges men are passing through. Challenges that tempers faith. Challenges that reduces trust in God. Challenges that result to even suicide.  Challenges that also result to death. Man’s challenges is not what one still explain to the fullest.
            Every day, new challenges come up. New disease shows up. Rate of death increase. The future is no longer secure as everything seems go get worse. Men’s attention are drawn away from God (especially from his love).
            Nay, in all these things Paul quoted, we are more than a conquerors through Him that loved us. Nothing should separate us from God’s love because in all of them, we are more than conquerors. God knew stuff of such will occur, so He made us conqueror before we pass through them. Nothing should separate from His love unto death do us apart. If possible, even in the grave, we should still love Him.
            Think of this, some many people have gone through what you are passing or has gone through and they couldn’t survive it. Who do you think made it for you to still be alive standing and breathing? Or do you think you are righteous than them? Give God thanks in all things. He knows why. The deepest secret or mystery becomes to God.
            If you are alive today reading this article, I want you to draw closer to God. It is by His grace you are alive today. It is by His grace those challenges didn’t consume you to death.  There should come to a point in your life whereby you make the powerful decision life Paul that nothing shall separate you from God’s love.
            In the time of challenges, don’t give up neither loss faith. In the time of hardship, draw closer to God. In the time of disappointment, pray fervently. In the time of sorrow, worship God. In the time of failure, don’t be discourage to try again.
“Persist in God’s love till you win.”
God bless!!!

-         Glorious Team, G.T.

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