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Wednesday 21 December 2016



Bless be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1:3                
As a Christian, you should know how blessed you are in Christ Jesus. I must tell you the true, “you are blessed beyond measure.” For every person existing on planet earth, there has been set aside spiritual blessing that even the devil can’t comprehend at all.

What stopped many people from seeing the manifestation of the blessings (especially the spiritual blessing) is that they don’t even know they are blessed. They search and roam about seeking for spiritual blessing that has already be given to them.

If you don’t know your right in God, you won’t possess your possession. You are highly blessed by God. Note that; you more than a blessed.  If nobody sees it for you, then you have got to see it yourself. You should be blessing God who has blessed you than you could ever imagined.

God said; “You shall lend to nations and not borrow.” It’s only a blessed man that can lend to nation. A poor man can’t lend to nations. An unblessed man can’t lend to nations. But God said you will lend to nations. That’s a confirmation of His word that you are truly blessed spiritually.
No matter the state you are now, be aware of the fact that you are blessed by God. Even if you don’t see the result of the blessings now, don’t give up your faith. Though it tarry, it shall surely come to pass if you abide not in sin.

“(For we walk by faith, not by sight :)” says 1 Corinthians 5:7. Let your eyes be gazed up with all attention, expecting something the manifestation of your blessing. It is real! God’s blessings make rich and added no sorrow. You have all what it takes for you to be above only and not below. You are a chosen generation. You have been blessed by God. Therefore let nothing kill your faith. Know how bless you are. Be proud of God’s blessing in you. Your blessing is immeasurable. Your blessing is specially design for you and you are design to be a blessing to others.

So after you have received the manifestation of your blessing, be ready to share with other, because the more you share, the more blessed you become. God bless!!!

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