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Saturday 31 December 2016


If any man desire to be first, the same shall be the last of all, and servant of all.
-          Jesus Christ

One thing I know is that everyone desire to become to best. Ask anyone you see today if they love to be the best in all they do or come out the last? You will know that 95% (if not 100%) of the world wish to become the best. And it is a good wish.

Glancing at the Scripture, I even discover that it is not a sin to become the best (as few Christians see it as a sin to become too great). Christ Himself want us to be the first (best) in all our endeavors. As a matter of fact He not only want or wish us to be the best but also gave us the secret to coming out or becoming the best, “If any man desire to be first, the same shall be the last of all, and servant of all. Mark 9:35

This is where many don’t want to collide to. “I want to become the best and here is Christ telling me to be the last if I must come out the best.” What do you think? Does Christ really wants us to become the last?

Here is it; Christ saying was never for us to become the last as quoted by Him, but what He does mean is that we must be ready to serve the world something become we can become the best. That’s a great secret. I will explain.

In order words, you are expected to give or scarify something in exchange of what you desire (first). For instance; if you are a musician, you must sing and by so doing, you are becoming a servant to the people listening to you. And you becoming a servant, serving them your song, they will notice you as a singer and from there you are already seen as a singer. And while you keep on singing day by day, they will one day dominant you as the best and see you as the first. (Desire comes true.)

That mean if you are a singer and you want to become the best, then you have gotten to develop yourself to a low point (servant) that anyone can listen to your song. You need to work on yourself for the world to see you as the best.

Therefore, for you (in respective of your field) to become the best, you have gotten to serve you world will what you have. That’s what Christ meant by His quote. If you are a writer, you serve your world you want to become the best by writing to them and as they read your articles, books, magazine and so on, you have served them what will make you the first.

It does not matter the background you are from, just serve the world with what God has given you and in due time, you will become the best. You won’t know how it’s going to happen, but be rest assure that as you keep on serving your world with your gift and potential, you will definitely come out the best in due time.

Sitting at home doing nothing won’t make you the best. You need to go out there and serve you world with what you have for you to become the best. Until you try you may not know what you are capable of doing.

Doing something today. Serve your world with your potential today. Glorious Team is waiting to see you on top! God bless!

-         Glorious Team, G.T

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