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Saturday 31 December 2016


If any man desire to be first, the same shall be the last of all, and servant of all.
-          Jesus Christ

One thing I know is that everyone desire to become to best. Ask anyone you see today if they love to be the best in all they do or come out the last? You will know that 95% (if not 100%) of the world wish to become the best. And it is a good wish.

Glancing at the Scripture, I even discover that it is not a sin to become the best (as few Christians see it as a sin to become too great). Christ Himself want us to be the first (best) in all our endeavors. As a matter of fact He not only want or wish us to be the best but also gave us the secret to coming out or becoming the best, “If any man desire to be first, the same shall be the last of all, and servant of all. Mark 9:35

This is where many don’t want to collide to. “I want to become the best and here is Christ telling me to be the last if I must come out the best.” What do you think? Does Christ really wants us to become the last?

Here is it; Christ saying was never for us to become the last as quoted by Him, but what He does mean is that we must be ready to serve the world something become we can become the best. That’s a great secret. I will explain.

In order words, you are expected to give or scarify something in exchange of what you desire (first). For instance; if you are a musician, you must sing and by so doing, you are becoming a servant to the people listening to you. And you becoming a servant, serving them your song, they will notice you as a singer and from there you are already seen as a singer. And while you keep on singing day by day, they will one day dominant you as the best and see you as the first. (Desire comes true.)

That mean if you are a singer and you want to become the best, then you have gotten to develop yourself to a low point (servant) that anyone can listen to your song. You need to work on yourself for the world to see you as the best.

Therefore, for you (in respective of your field) to become the best, you have gotten to serve you world will what you have. That’s what Christ meant by His quote. If you are a writer, you serve your world you want to become the best by writing to them and as they read your articles, books, magazine and so on, you have served them what will make you the first.

It does not matter the background you are from, just serve the world with what God has given you and in due time, you will become the best. You won’t know how it’s going to happen, but be rest assure that as you keep on serving your world with your gift and potential, you will definitely come out the best in due time.

Sitting at home doing nothing won’t make you the best. You need to go out there and serve you world with what you have for you to become the best. Until you try you may not know what you are capable of doing.

Doing something today. Serve your world with your potential today. Glorious Team is waiting to see you on top! God bless!

-         Glorious Team, G.T

Thursday 29 December 2016



Risk is the evidence that something was done.

                Life is all about risk. No matter where you want to go or get to that is precious to you, then there are obstacles you have to overcome; there are risk that needs to be taken. It comes to a point that you are ready to sacrifices your dear life for it.

            First, it all begins with vision, goal, and dream –potential. Your great desire towards life. What you want from life. And how you want it.

            There is a life I have always learnt from Apostle Paul (the least among apostles that labored more above them all). And that’s fulfilling purpose. He prefers to dies than for him to live a life without fulfilling purpose. He lives daily with the mentality of fulfilling purpose. There is always something to do each. He is always at work, working and pursuing his purpose without giving up.

Risk is part of life
            Risk was part of him. Despite the risk in preaching the gospel, he never heed to that. He preach the gospel in the state of risk. In fact, he says, “to die is gain.” Life was meaningless to him without risking his life to possess his possession by preaching Christ to the world.
            Nothing moves him. He is  ever looking forward to ending his course with joy which he has received from God, therefore he refused to be distracted.

            Such is life. Being a Christian doesn’t mean there won’t be time to take risk. As a matter of fact, Christian life is linked to risk. Risk is what you must take if you must purpose your Christian goal. Don’t be afraid to risk your life for things that worth it.

            Christianity we enjoy today, people risked their life for it. If not for the coming of Christ, salvation won’t be existing today. Christ risked and gave His life unto death that all should come to repentance.

            I don’t know what you are pursuing that you are afraid to give your total commitment to, or give your last money to, I’m telling you take that risk that you are afraid of. Someone quoted, “it’s risky not to take risk.”

            Do something today!

- Glorious Team

Wednesday 28 December 2016



I magnify mine office –Apostle Paul
I believe to know that everyone has a talent, or ability, or potential, or gift that makes them special in a world of such. What makes you different from your parents is the potential inside of you. Yes, you were born with it from your mother’s womb. So that should be what your benefit of you coming into this world from your parents even though they didn’t take care of you. The highest they can ever do for you is by bringing you into this wonderful world.

           You can’t bring yourself into this world, and without you coming into this world through your parents you can never fulfill purpose. But when you are in this world, you can fulfill purpose even without your parents. Again, the highest they can ever do for you is to bring you into this wonderful world. You own gratitude for that.

            What is now important now that you are existing, is to fulfill that dream, goal and potential in you. It should be one of your utmost priority in life (if not the number one). I know you are more capable of achieving your dreams it only you will pursue it.

            It’s important to know that your great potential or gift is your office, note that.  As a matter of fact, that office (potential) is capable of feeding your all throughout your life without begging; it is capable of making you known to your world without struggling; it is capable of making your financially strong without compromise –your office!

            I see many people joking with their office anyhow without having a thought of why they are given such office. Don’t joke with your office. Your office is your life. Take your life serious. Nobody should remind you of what you should do when it comes to your office. Nourish your office. Take care of it. Build it neatly. Develop it diligently. Guide it wholeheartedly.

            Don’t make dirty your office. Bring the best of your office the way you want people to see it. If your office is in good shape, people will locate you. The world needs the best of your office. The question again is; “how is your office?” “How are you working towards your office?” No matter  how long it takes you to bring your office into the best of all best, keep doing it and don’t give up. Everything is yet for an appointed time. It surely will speak when you keep doing what is expected of you without grumbling, compromising and giving up. Be faithful to your office. Cheat not your potential. Treat it with love by doing all what it takes to bring it into reality. Keep the faith on. Keep it up, your good work!

- Glorious Team.

Monday 26 December 2016

What Does It Takes To Fulfill Purpose?

What Does It Takes To Fulfill Purpose?

This has been a question that many has not an answer to, but the fact is, there is an answer whether you like it or not. And in a brief write-up, we are going to make knows what it takes to fulfill purpose. But before then, what is fulfill? Just to remind you in case you’ve forgotten, “purpose is the reason you were born to this earth.” And it is purpose that makes you meaningful, otherwise, there won’t be anything special about you. That’s why it’s very vital to know exactly what it takes to fulfill purpose so as to become too relevant for the world to ignore and be meaningful. Let’s go;
·        Passion: Passion is part of what it takes to fulfill purpose. If you have a purpose, then you must be passionate about it. When you are passionate, no matter what you see or pass through on your way to fulfilling purpose, you will not be discourage to the extent of quitting. Passion enables you to endure the pains and tribulation and circumstances that’s just for a moment. Nothing can take the place of passion. Build your passion. Be passionate.

·        Wisdom: The scripture recorded that; “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom…” proverb 4:7. You need deep wisdom to go about fulfilling purpose. There is no short-cut to the palm tree, but with wisdom, you can create one. “Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding. Proverbs 3:13.” Be wisdom filled!

·        Discipline: You must bear in mind that for one to fulfill purpose, one has to be self-discipline. You have got to discipline yourself to the extent that your “yes” becomes your “yes.” Meaning when you made up your mind that this is what you will do to achieve your purpose, then that is what you should do. Nothing should stop you. Be your word!

·        Action: Action as usually quoted, speaks louder than voice. Saying is not enough even though you must profess it by words before fulfilling purpose, yet you must take action before anything real can become. Action generates success. Action takes one from zero to hero. Action backed up with passion, wisdom, and discipline is a massive success.

Let your world feel your impact. Achieving success is not child’s play. It’s a very serious business in life. Not everybody is succeeding today and even in the future, but if you will make up your mind today that you will and must surely succeed no matter what it takes (diminishing the lengthen period it takes), I tell you, nothing will stop you.
Believe in yourself and you will be amazed to see yourself among great successor few years from now if you won’t give up. SUCCEESS!

-         GLORIOUS TEAM, G.T

Wednesday 21 December 2016



Bless be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1:3                
As a Christian, you should know how blessed you are in Christ Jesus. I must tell you the true, “you are blessed beyond measure.” For every person existing on planet earth, there has been set aside spiritual blessing that even the devil can’t comprehend at all.

What stopped many people from seeing the manifestation of the blessings (especially the spiritual blessing) is that they don’t even know they are blessed. They search and roam about seeking for spiritual blessing that has already be given to them.

If you don’t know your right in God, you won’t possess your possession. You are highly blessed by God. Note that; you more than a blessed.  If nobody sees it for you, then you have got to see it yourself. You should be blessing God who has blessed you than you could ever imagined.

God said; “You shall lend to nations and not borrow.” It’s only a blessed man that can lend to nation. A poor man can’t lend to nations. An unblessed man can’t lend to nations. But God said you will lend to nations. That’s a confirmation of His word that you are truly blessed spiritually.
No matter the state you are now, be aware of the fact that you are blessed by God. Even if you don’t see the result of the blessings now, don’t give up your faith. Though it tarry, it shall surely come to pass if you abide not in sin.

“(For we walk by faith, not by sight :)” says 1 Corinthians 5:7. Let your eyes be gazed up with all attention, expecting something the manifestation of your blessing. It is real! God’s blessings make rich and added no sorrow. You have all what it takes for you to be above only and not below. You are a chosen generation. You have been blessed by God. Therefore let nothing kill your faith. Know how bless you are. Be proud of God’s blessing in you. Your blessing is immeasurable. Your blessing is specially design for you and you are design to be a blessing to others.

So after you have received the manifestation of your blessing, be ready to share with other, because the more you share, the more blessed you become. God bless!!!

Friday 16 December 2016

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

            It’s your duty to know who you are because you are the one to make your life count. It’s an error for any person born by a woman not to know who he or she is. Knowing who you are is the number one step to achieving purpose on earth. Life damages you know who you are (especially in Christ).

            I love studying and making reference to the scriptures because it takes so much about my personality. In fact, the scripture defines who you are in full. It quoted; “you are the light of the world. A city that is set on hill cannot be hid.” Matthew 5:14. This part of the Bible fills my heart with joy –unremarkable joy. I am the light of the world, so without me, there will be darkness in the world, so I’ve come to light every dark parts of the world with my light.

            You own your world the manifestation of your light.  “Let your light shine before men that they shall see your good work and glorify thee father which is in heaven.”  God almighty is expecting glory from your light. You should know who you are. If the almighty God can expect glory from your light, then you should know that you too big than you can ever imagine.

            You are a great successor. A royal priesthood, an holy nation, a child of God. You are created in God’s own image. God breadth His own breadth into your nostril. How precious you are.

            Lives are waiting to be blessed through you. Nations are waiting to feel your impact. Millions of people (if not billion or trillions) are waiting for your light to lighten their path. There is a great expectant from your world regarding to you. Know who you are.

            You have be created to leave a remark or footprint before leaving this earth. You must fulfill purpose before leaving this earth. Nothing should stop you, not even Satan. You have been set about all principalities in high places. Angels are in charge over you. God is seriously guiding you. Just listen to Him and do according to His scripture and I tell you, success is yours.

            Life is full of obstacles when wanting to pursue a dream but nevertheless, you have been made an over comer. You are made a victor. Know who you are!

-          GLORIOUS TEAM,  G.T

Saturday 26 November 2016

What Shall Separate Us From God's Love???

What Shall Separate Us from God’s Love?

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor power, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor other creature, shall be all to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39.

            The love of God is not to be compared to any other. God’s love is super. It is a blessing to that everyone gets when born into this earth (even before one was born). There has still been no best way to explain this love of God because it’s beyond human explanation.
            So then if it’s beyond explanation, what then can separate man from such kind of love? Nothing should. But in a viewing point, life can be so tough that you won’t find it interesting to do the things of God or keep His commandment. In the time of great distress, one’s soul is normal sad and angry. Nothing pleases one them. Everything makes them angry and sorrowful. The love of God does make sense to them.
            It’s not their fault. Such is life. A man who lost his children and wife –family, will not find it easy to continue in that love. Some will even go to the extent of blaming God. “God is unfaithful.” “God has forgotten me.” “God is not seeing me.” “God does not exist.” “God’s love is fake.” “God is not love.” and so on are what some will saying during their tribulation.
            Again, it’s not their fault. Life is seriously not an easy one. Here and there, there are seriously challenges men are passing through. Challenges that tempers faith. Challenges that reduces trust in God. Challenges that result to even suicide.  Challenges that also result to death. Man’s challenges is not what one still explain to the fullest.
            Every day, new challenges come up. New disease shows up. Rate of death increase. The future is no longer secure as everything seems go get worse. Men’s attention are drawn away from God (especially from his love).
            Nay, in all these things Paul quoted, we are more than a conquerors through Him that loved us. Nothing should separate us from God’s love because in all of them, we are more than conquerors. God knew stuff of such will occur, so He made us conqueror before we pass through them. Nothing should separate from His love unto death do us apart. If possible, even in the grave, we should still love Him.
            Think of this, some many people have gone through what you are passing or has gone through and they couldn’t survive it. Who do you think made it for you to still be alive standing and breathing? Or do you think you are righteous than them? Give God thanks in all things. He knows why. The deepest secret or mystery becomes to God.
            If you are alive today reading this article, I want you to draw closer to God. It is by His grace you are alive today. It is by His grace those challenges didn’t consume you to death.  There should come to a point in your life whereby you make the powerful decision life Paul that nothing shall separate you from God’s love.
            In the time of challenges, don’t give up neither loss faith. In the time of hardship, draw closer to God. In the time of disappointment, pray fervently. In the time of sorrow, worship God. In the time of failure, don’t be discourage to try again.
“Persist in God’s love till you win.”
God bless!!!

-         Glorious Team, G.T.

Thursday 24 November 2016

What Defiles a Man?

What Defiles A Man?

There came a time in the scripture that the scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus accuse Him that His disciples wash not their hands before eating bread. Though it was an embarrassing yet it was so according to their tradition. I have been to some places that all they do is tradition. They take tradition so serious that they forget the commandments of God. In brief quote, they replace the commandments of God with tradition. But the question is, even if the disciples don’t wash their hands before eating bread, will it defile them? Does it mean they have sinned greatly before God or before men (if at all one can sin before men)? And who makes them judger over Christ chosen disciple?
It’s very important to hear what Christ said concerning what defiles a man;
Do not you yet understand, that whatsoever enters in at the mouth goes into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart: and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication,… these are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defiles not a man. Matthew 15:17-21
That is the real word. Actually, it was wrong to eat bread without washing hand according to their tradition but that won’t defile them. It’s not what you eat that defiles you. That is why Christ said that when you eat any deadly things, it shall not harm you. Because with God nothing that goes into your belle is capable of defiling or harming you if you receive it with thanksgiving.
So then what defiles a man? The heart –things that comes out from the heart. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Evil words defiles a man and it comes from the heart down to the mouth pouring it out. Negative thought comes from the heart. The heart of a man is desperately wicked, who can know it? Says the scripture.
Everything a man does start from the heart. That’s why the Bible says that you should guide your heart with all diligent, for out of it are the issues of life. Your heart is the door way to success. Think positively. Nourish your heart. Build it. Cherish it. Develop it positively.
Before a man stands out to steal, he must has thought of it. What comes out from the heart defiles a man. So mind what you say. People now say wrong things all in the name of joke, but here the scripture is saying that what comes out from the heart proceeding out of the mouth defiles a man. Use your tongue wisely for death and life are in the power of the tongue. Bridle it as expected from you.
Don’t let the heart defiles you. Note what goes into your heart and watch what comes out from it.

-       Glorious Team, G.T.

Wednesday 4 May 2016


  MOTTO: Our God Is Glorious!

Glorious Team is from God with the aim of blessing lives for Christ. "We believe if a cripple walk, his life has been blessed," "if a sinner repents, his life has been blessed," "if a sick person gets healed, his life has been blessed mightily." Our major aim is to 'bless lives' says the vision mobilizer, Godstime O. Etine.
He also said that Glorious team was revealed to him by God while fasting and praying (40 days) to become an anointed saxophonist full of power and grace. Here is what he has to say about Glorious team existence.

   "I attended my church vigil April 29th, 2015 where a great man of God, Pst Happy Oyibo led that vigil differently from how it's been held. He formed a round circle with an olive oil and instructed each of us to kneel inside the circle while he prays for us as the spirit leads him.
    When it got to my turn, I picked three prophetic words he said; "my gift will make my face to shine,'' "I will not become a local champion but an international champion," and "my gift will bring me before great men." I proclaimed it with faith.
   So the following day, I woke up from a revelation, and the Lord ministered to me to buy saxophone. I wonder where, how and when to get the money from but but  I never ceased to give God thanks and started praying for the money to come as I have planned it. I then thought, one thing is to get the sax and another thing is to minister with grace and anointing. So for that reason, I declared 40 days fasting and praying (June - July, 2015) for more grace and anointing. I was seriously hungry to minister under God's grace.
   While the fasting proceed, the Lord ministered to me on the 4th day of the fasting, June 4th to form a team that will bless lives for Him. I ignored because my aim was to get the anointing I'm praying for, not to form a team. But the more I proceed with the fasting, the more He kept on reminding and speaking to me about the team.
   I later agreed partially before the end of the fasting to make sure my fasting be not in vain, so I ask; what should be the name of the team? He said its not yet time, He will tell me at my first ministration with sax.
  The money for the sax got completed a day to the ending of the fasting. I bought it a month time, August 8th and then resume sax class the following day.
  November 8th, 2015; a pastor took me to a program to minister (that is the first program I played sax). I ministered and forgot that I'm to get the name of the team that day. So a week later, while walking on the streat sharing my sax teacher, Mr Kunle fly out for his program, the Lord ministered to me of that day I forgot to pay attention to get the name of the team.
  I was shocked and immediately, He ministered the name of the team to my ear, -Glorious Team- I almost doubt out of surprise and why should He tell me such important information while walking on the street sharing and posting fly-out instead of while sitting at my house. I got home that day and sat down quietly while the Lord minister some scriptures that contain the name - Glorious- in confirmation of His spoken Word 'Glorious Team.' Romans 8:1. Psalms 45:13. That was how Glorious team came into existence."

The vision came to him June 4th, 2015 and took the bold step to establishing it November 14th, 2015. Before then, the Lord directed him to meet some certain persons to join the team. And by God's grace, the team now release albums, spread the gospel, and goes to different places to minister, and by God's grace, they are doing exploit.

To mention a few, They have Godstime Etine (popularly called GT Star) as the 'vision mobilizer' and 'saxophonist' (tel-  +2347032816934), Precious Ogaga as the 'president' and 'Singer' (tel -.+2348134222182), Sonia Olire as GT's 'treasurer' and 'Singer'. Clinton Etine as 'Musical Director' and 'keyboardist.' Favour Erose as 'administrator' and 'singer'. Akpevwe as 'drummer' and 'vice-president' Vera fed as 'singer'. Weyimi as 'bassist' Ese as 'singer.' Ekure Delight as 'singer' And Oluchi Ukwachukwu as 'singer.'