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Sunday 1 January 2017

How To Achieve Your Goals in Year 2017?

How To Achieve Your Goals in Year 2017?

Achieving purpose is not in ability, but in key tools, which persistence is among. – Godstime Etine.

            Here we are in 2017! first of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
             It is important some know that many has written enough goals to achieve this year. That is why as a team, we are going to share four key tools on how to go about achieving all of your goals.
            Many at times, goal is being taken for granted and being ignored, not because it’s the will of the purpose carrier (individuals carrying the purpose) but because they don’t know how to go about achieving it, so it’s being kept aside till further notice. Another reason is because they lack the finance to pursue their purpose. It is sometimes (if not all time) difficult to achieve a goal without money. Money might be the root of all evil but when it comes to achieving purpose, money is needed. In fact, when there is no money, it will look as if one doesn’t have a vision.
            A singer needs money to go to the studio to release a track, likewise an author to release or print a book. And still, it might be amazed to you that even with availability of money to some persons, they still can’t achieve purpose, why? They don’t know how to achieve it. Which is an error and we are going to look at some key tools to achieve goal.

1.    Faithfulness: One thing is to have purpose and another thing is to be faithful to it.  If you must achieve purpose this year, then you have gotten to be faithful to your purpose. If you have a purpose, then every day, then you should take a step ahead. Do the things needed when it is time. There is a scripture that says; “seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings: he shall stand not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29”

2.   Don’t Procrastinate: Someone said, procrastination is the thief of time, and in addition, procrastination is the thief and killer of purpose. Don’t be a great procrastinator, not even a little one. When it’s time to plan and take action, do it faithfully without postponing it to the following day or even hour. Just do it when it time. Don’t let anyone forces you before doing what is required of you to achieve your fulfill. The purpose or dream is yours and will always remain yours, so why will you allow someone to remind you of your activity. Why also will you procrastinate when you know that purpose was what brought you into this earth?

3   Dig Deep: There is a saying that says; “knowledge is light and power.” If you must achieve purpose, whether small or big, you must seek for knowledge. Dig deep diligently. Be relentless till you see what you are seeking for. Until you know what you need to achieve that purpose you are born for, you cannot achieve it. Knowing is what differentiate one from another. Do great research in the field you are. Study hard.

4.   Persistence: In this life, only those who are persistence, achieves what they want in life. Life will throw millions of challenges that will make you quit, but if you keep on pushing and moving forward, you definitely will achieve that purpose. According to Les Brown, “nothing will replace the place of persistence. Education alone will not, because the world is full of educationist who has given up. Talent alone will not because the world is full of talented dude who are nowhere to be found. But persistence alone will.”

-       Glorious team, GT

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