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Tuesday 31 January 2017

How to Do Greater Work.

How to Do Greater Work.

Verily, verily, I say to you, he that believes on Me, the work I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do… - Jesus Christ

“An idol mind is the devil’s workshop,” quoted by someone. That means there is a work you are supposed to engage yourself on. There are many types of work, but all are categorized as “work.” And in this article, we are going to be talking about the work Christ has given us – the mandate!

Now, there came a time that Philip really wants to see the father (God) and he asked Jesus to show them His father which He always make reference to. He must be thinking that if Jesus can perform all these miracles through God’s name, then, This God must be so great. So he really wants to see this powerful God, perhaps, to absolved move power to do greater miracle than Jesus is doing. 

Jesus perceived his thought behind his request to see the Father but Jesus given a powerful answer, saying, he that believes on Me, the work I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do. That means all he has gotten to do is to believe in Jesus and greater works (not work) shall he do. So you don’t have to see God first before, you can do greater work. The secret is in believing!

It is necessary to know that anyone called Christian who has not yet started doing great work, shall cling unto God in great believe to do greater works. Gog expects greater works from you. But that will only happen when you believe and rely on Him. People of the olden day that did great work that was recorded by God in the Bible, were people who believe in God.

You can do great work, that is my believe. Just believe. Stretch yourself today to do something. Believe and take action. Jesus did many signs and wonder in order for the people to believe and we read and heard about the signs he did so also for we to believe and this is what he wants from us. He wants us to believe in Him so we can go out there and do exploit.  He has empower us with power to do signs and wonder but we have to believe on Him before we can demonstrate that power.

There are blinds eyes that needs to open; there are sick people that needs to get heal; and lot more, and all this illness are there for we to demonstrate God’s power. Believe and you shall see the manifestation of God’s power.

You are called believer because you are expected to do greater work than Christ by believing on him.

-         GLORIOUS TEAM, G.T

How to obtain God's promises.

How to Obtain the Reality of God’s Promise.

There is a scripture that says, God is not slack concerning His promise. If He says it, that how it going to be. There is no two ways about it, unless He didn’t say it. This is the confident we have in God that when he promise us anything, we will surely get it. If you ever wonder how to get God’s promise, I want you to search the scripture deeply. 
All what it takes to live a good live is in the scripture. There are lot of promises in the scripture which God has promised us. Key to those promise and you will get all of them. So then how do you key to it? What must you do for you to see the reality of those promises?
·         Obedience: this is one great key to accessing God’s promise. God loves those who obeys His voice. If you read Deuteronomy 28; you will see those the blessings that’s attached to just total obedience to God’s voice. One of it I love most is, “you shall lend to many nations, and you shall not borrow, vs 12.” Obedience is one of the ways you can obtain the reality of God’s promise.
·         ScarifyMany don’t believe in this but it works. It came to a time that King Solomon made a scarify to the Lord that God has to come by Himself to Solomon and ask him what he wish for. You don’t have to wait till you become a millionaire before you consider to scarify. Start from the little you have and let God have His way in your life. Don’t be weary in giving.  Giving is like sowing a seed; at the appropriate time, it shall bring forth a good harvest fruit. Keep on giving from the little you have and believe me, one day, it shall surely speak. You will reap a good harvest when you keep on giving.
·         Prayer: The scripture says, praying without ceasing. Christ says also; “men ought to pray always and not faint.” And there is a song that says; “prayer is the key.” Christ started with prayer and ended with prayer. Let your request be made know unto God. Remind God of His promise in prayer if you really want to see the manifestation of His promise. Don’t be sluggish in prayer. Activate your prayer life. What pray can do is numerous. Be prayerful.
·         Faith: Without faith the scripture says it’s impossible to please God. No one has obtained God’s promise without having faith. Faith is the bedrock to obtaining God’s promise. God see the faith of a man before doing anything, which is why it is very important for us to develop our faith. When things are not work well, speak words of faith. Don’t give up. God hates quitters. When the storm arises, keep the positive attitude on. Faith still standing despite the storm provokes God to release the manifestation of His Promise without delay.

·         Courage: This is a very powerful tool. Don’t you wonder why God will always tell His children, “be strong and be of good courage?” He says so often because in that state will one obtain the reality of His promise. There are lot of promise written in the Bible that needs to come into reality in our lives. Be courageous! Don’t loose hope. God is working on you, don’t give up on Him. Keep persisting and you will see the manifestation of all His promises. Be grateful!

Thursday 12 January 2017



You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14
Who are you? It’s obvious that so many people don’t know who they are, especially who they are in Christ. If you look in our today world, person are achieving lesser things than they should achieving, why? Because they don’t know who they are.
Christ quoted that you are the light of the world. And you know that where there is light darkness cannot comprehend it, then why is that some persons light still do not shine? Here are the basic reason;

1.      IGNORANCE: So many people are ignorant of the fact that they are the light of the word, not to talk of the fact that they are the light of the world. I have observed that people are ignorant mostly because they refuse to search to know who they are. If you do not search to see and know who you are, there is no way you will ever know who you are. Ignorant is a shrewdly disease. What you are ignorant of will never manifest. Your light will never shine until you know you have a light.

2.       FEAR: Fear is another tool that hinders ones light from shining. When you have noted that you have a light, you should never be afraid of it. Many tend to be afraid because they feel they can’t achieve it or the light is too bright than they expected. Look, you are bigger than anything you can think of. You were created in God’s own image. You are like God your father who created the heaven and earth. So never think less of yourself and never be afraid of what you carry. You are a powerful light!

3.      DISCOURAGE: I have noticed more importantly that one factor that hinder ones light from shining is discouragement. Discouragement of a thing is one of the basic strategy devil uses to kill people’s light. It is somehow normal that when you are discouraged, you can’t move forward as all what you will be thinking then is to give up. If you have experience or been in a state of discouragement, you will understand what am saying.  though it’s difficult to still move on when discouraged yet, I want to challenge you not to think of giving up because discouragement will always coming from different people or even something else you less expected. So be focused. Discouragement also comes when you tend not to see the active and instant result of what you are doing. Be wise.

4.      LACK: People recorded that poverty is a disease and I see it as being true. It’s a true fact statement. Lack is recorded as poverty. When you lack the relevant things needed to make your light shine, then you are poor and it will surely hinders your light from shining. Go for knowledge. Learn thing that will bring out your light. Don’t lack any thing especially knowledge.

5.      ACTION: All things boil down to action. Action as often quoted speaks louder than voice. If you know you have a light and refuse to take action in bring it into a shining state for your world to see, there is no way your light will shine. One thing is to know that you are the light of the world and another thing is for you to work towards it to until you see the light shining in such a way that it will be too big and special for it to be overlooked by anyone. Again, you are the light of the world. You can’t be hidden when your light is shining. Work on yourself.

Monday 2 January 2017



Every dreamer, visionary and planner has something they are pursuing this New Year 2017, that’s why they are who they are. A dreamer has a dream, a visionary has a vision, a planner has a plan, a musician has a music, a poetry has a poem, an author has a written word, a preacher has a spoken word, a comedian has a joke, and many more. That’s what makes them who they are.

It’s what you have to deliver to your world that makes up who you are. And I want to believe you have discovered yourself.  So if you have done that, then there is one more thing you got to do. DEVELOP YOURSELF!

Discovery is not enough. You must be ready to develop yourself. Train yourself. It’s only a well-developed talent that gets the full reward. The difference between two talented people is how they develop it.

No champion became a champion overnight. Every champion you see today went through lot of adequate preparation for years. You don’t wake up one day and expect your gift to start making way for you when you still have a long way to go in terms of developing your gift or talent.

Though the Proverb makes it clear that the gift of a man will make a room for him, yet it’s only for a developed gift that it works. It’s what you know very well, you can deliver to your world. If you have the gift of playing saxophone and learn not how to play it, that gift will remain dormant and won’t make way for you. And if you know how to play and develop it not, you will soon become irrelevant to your world.

The world will become tired of you. Why? Because they are tired of hearing one type of playing continually. Your world needs new skill and pattern of playing. Develop yourself.
Everyone has to develop their talent. No day is not enough to develop your develop. One week is neither enough nor one month. One year is even not enough! Good things takes years, likewise your gift. According to Dr. David Oyedepo, “learning is a lifetime.” Every day you should keep developing yourself if you’re to remain useful to your world.

Usain bolt didn’t become the world faster runner for just one day of preparation. It took him year after much failure before he became the fastest man of his time. And up to date, he is still developing himself because he knows if he stops because he has climbed to the top, then someone else will come and overtake him.

Until you see the very best of your potential, don’t stop developing yourself. Your gift is very vital and it worth serious development. Give yourself time in developing yourself. Focus on yourself. Create time for yourself than anyone else. Focus more on your gift than your world. Your world needs the beauty of your gift and not you. You have nothing to give your world if you fail to keep on developing your gift continually.

There are time the development of your gift gives you sleepless night that your body temperature seem very high. But don’t worry, let it be so. Your gift worth it. The most important thing is that you deliver the best of your gift to your world before going for eternity. Nothing makes you more important to your world than your developed gift.

There are times it looks like there is no improvement when developing yourself, but don’t give up. There is always an improvement even though you don’t see it. It’s not compulsory you see the improvement but you keep developing it. Don’t get tired because you didn’t notice any sign of improvement. Keep on developing it and I tell you, few years from now, you will be amazed at the level you have claimed.



Sunday 1 January 2017

How To Achieve Your Goals in Year 2017?

How To Achieve Your Goals in Year 2017?

Achieving purpose is not in ability, but in key tools, which persistence is among. – Godstime Etine.

            Here we are in 2017! first of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
             It is important some know that many has written enough goals to achieve this year. That is why as a team, we are going to share four key tools on how to go about achieving all of your goals.
            Many at times, goal is being taken for granted and being ignored, not because it’s the will of the purpose carrier (individuals carrying the purpose) but because they don’t know how to go about achieving it, so it’s being kept aside till further notice. Another reason is because they lack the finance to pursue their purpose. It is sometimes (if not all time) difficult to achieve a goal without money. Money might be the root of all evil but when it comes to achieving purpose, money is needed. In fact, when there is no money, it will look as if one doesn’t have a vision.
            A singer needs money to go to the studio to release a track, likewise an author to release or print a book. And still, it might be amazed to you that even with availability of money to some persons, they still can’t achieve purpose, why? They don’t know how to achieve it. Which is an error and we are going to look at some key tools to achieve goal.

1.    Faithfulness: One thing is to have purpose and another thing is to be faithful to it.  If you must achieve purpose this year, then you have gotten to be faithful to your purpose. If you have a purpose, then every day, then you should take a step ahead. Do the things needed when it is time. There is a scripture that says; “seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings: he shall stand not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29”

2.   Don’t Procrastinate: Someone said, procrastination is the thief of time, and in addition, procrastination is the thief and killer of purpose. Don’t be a great procrastinator, not even a little one. When it’s time to plan and take action, do it faithfully without postponing it to the following day or even hour. Just do it when it time. Don’t let anyone forces you before doing what is required of you to achieve your fulfill. The purpose or dream is yours and will always remain yours, so why will you allow someone to remind you of your activity. Why also will you procrastinate when you know that purpose was what brought you into this earth?

3   Dig Deep: There is a saying that says; “knowledge is light and power.” If you must achieve purpose, whether small or big, you must seek for knowledge. Dig deep diligently. Be relentless till you see what you are seeking for. Until you know what you need to achieve that purpose you are born for, you cannot achieve it. Knowing is what differentiate one from another. Do great research in the field you are. Study hard.

4.   Persistence: In this life, only those who are persistence, achieves what they want in life. Life will throw millions of challenges that will make you quit, but if you keep on pushing and moving forward, you definitely will achieve that purpose. According to Les Brown, “nothing will replace the place of persistence. Education alone will not, because the world is full of educationist who has given up. Talent alone will not because the world is full of talented dude who are nowhere to be found. But persistence alone will.”

-       Glorious team, GT