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Tuesday 31 January 2017

How to obtain God's promises.

How to Obtain the Reality of God’s Promise.

There is a scripture that says, God is not slack concerning His promise. If He says it, that how it going to be. There is no two ways about it, unless He didn’t say it. This is the confident we have in God that when he promise us anything, we will surely get it. If you ever wonder how to get God’s promise, I want you to search the scripture deeply. 
All what it takes to live a good live is in the scripture. There are lot of promises in the scripture which God has promised us. Key to those promise and you will get all of them. So then how do you key to it? What must you do for you to see the reality of those promises?
·         Obedience: this is one great key to accessing God’s promise. God loves those who obeys His voice. If you read Deuteronomy 28; you will see those the blessings that’s attached to just total obedience to God’s voice. One of it I love most is, “you shall lend to many nations, and you shall not borrow, vs 12.” Obedience is one of the ways you can obtain the reality of God’s promise.
·         ScarifyMany don’t believe in this but it works. It came to a time that King Solomon made a scarify to the Lord that God has to come by Himself to Solomon and ask him what he wish for. You don’t have to wait till you become a millionaire before you consider to scarify. Start from the little you have and let God have His way in your life. Don’t be weary in giving.  Giving is like sowing a seed; at the appropriate time, it shall bring forth a good harvest fruit. Keep on giving from the little you have and believe me, one day, it shall surely speak. You will reap a good harvest when you keep on giving.
·         Prayer: The scripture says, praying without ceasing. Christ says also; “men ought to pray always and not faint.” And there is a song that says; “prayer is the key.” Christ started with prayer and ended with prayer. Let your request be made know unto God. Remind God of His promise in prayer if you really want to see the manifestation of His promise. Don’t be sluggish in prayer. Activate your prayer life. What pray can do is numerous. Be prayerful.
·         Faith: Without faith the scripture says it’s impossible to please God. No one has obtained God’s promise without having faith. Faith is the bedrock to obtaining God’s promise. God see the faith of a man before doing anything, which is why it is very important for us to develop our faith. When things are not work well, speak words of faith. Don’t give up. God hates quitters. When the storm arises, keep the positive attitude on. Faith still standing despite the storm provokes God to release the manifestation of His Promise without delay.

·         Courage: This is a very powerful tool. Don’t you wonder why God will always tell His children, “be strong and be of good courage?” He says so often because in that state will one obtain the reality of His promise. There are lot of promise written in the Bible that needs to come into reality in our lives. Be courageous! Don’t loose hope. God is working on you, don’t give up on Him. Keep persisting and you will see the manifestation of all His promises. Be grateful!

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