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Thursday 12 January 2017



You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14
Who are you? It’s obvious that so many people don’t know who they are, especially who they are in Christ. If you look in our today world, person are achieving lesser things than they should achieving, why? Because they don’t know who they are.
Christ quoted that you are the light of the world. And you know that where there is light darkness cannot comprehend it, then why is that some persons light still do not shine? Here are the basic reason;

1.      IGNORANCE: So many people are ignorant of the fact that they are the light of the word, not to talk of the fact that they are the light of the world. I have observed that people are ignorant mostly because they refuse to search to know who they are. If you do not search to see and know who you are, there is no way you will ever know who you are. Ignorant is a shrewdly disease. What you are ignorant of will never manifest. Your light will never shine until you know you have a light.

2.       FEAR: Fear is another tool that hinders ones light from shining. When you have noted that you have a light, you should never be afraid of it. Many tend to be afraid because they feel they can’t achieve it or the light is too bright than they expected. Look, you are bigger than anything you can think of. You were created in God’s own image. You are like God your father who created the heaven and earth. So never think less of yourself and never be afraid of what you carry. You are a powerful light!

3.      DISCOURAGE: I have noticed more importantly that one factor that hinder ones light from shining is discouragement. Discouragement of a thing is one of the basic strategy devil uses to kill people’s light. It is somehow normal that when you are discouraged, you can’t move forward as all what you will be thinking then is to give up. If you have experience or been in a state of discouragement, you will understand what am saying.  though it’s difficult to still move on when discouraged yet, I want to challenge you not to think of giving up because discouragement will always coming from different people or even something else you less expected. So be focused. Discouragement also comes when you tend not to see the active and instant result of what you are doing. Be wise.

4.      LACK: People recorded that poverty is a disease and I see it as being true. It’s a true fact statement. Lack is recorded as poverty. When you lack the relevant things needed to make your light shine, then you are poor and it will surely hinders your light from shining. Go for knowledge. Learn thing that will bring out your light. Don’t lack any thing especially knowledge.

5.      ACTION: All things boil down to action. Action as often quoted speaks louder than voice. If you know you have a light and refuse to take action in bring it into a shining state for your world to see, there is no way your light will shine. One thing is to know that you are the light of the world and another thing is for you to work towards it to until you see the light shining in such a way that it will be too big and special for it to be overlooked by anyone. Again, you are the light of the world. You can’t be hidden when your light is shining. Work on yourself.

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