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Tuesday 31 January 2017

How to Do Greater Work.

How to Do Greater Work.

Verily, verily, I say to you, he that believes on Me, the work I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do… - Jesus Christ

“An idol mind is the devil’s workshop,” quoted by someone. That means there is a work you are supposed to engage yourself on. There are many types of work, but all are categorized as “work.” And in this article, we are going to be talking about the work Christ has given us – the mandate!

Now, there came a time that Philip really wants to see the father (God) and he asked Jesus to show them His father which He always make reference to. He must be thinking that if Jesus can perform all these miracles through God’s name, then, This God must be so great. So he really wants to see this powerful God, perhaps, to absolved move power to do greater miracle than Jesus is doing. 

Jesus perceived his thought behind his request to see the Father but Jesus given a powerful answer, saying, he that believes on Me, the work I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do. That means all he has gotten to do is to believe in Jesus and greater works (not work) shall he do. So you don’t have to see God first before, you can do greater work. The secret is in believing!

It is necessary to know that anyone called Christian who has not yet started doing great work, shall cling unto God in great believe to do greater works. Gog expects greater works from you. But that will only happen when you believe and rely on Him. People of the olden day that did great work that was recorded by God in the Bible, were people who believe in God.

You can do great work, that is my believe. Just believe. Stretch yourself today to do something. Believe and take action. Jesus did many signs and wonder in order for the people to believe and we read and heard about the signs he did so also for we to believe and this is what he wants from us. He wants us to believe in Him so we can go out there and do exploit.  He has empower us with power to do signs and wonder but we have to believe on Him before we can demonstrate that power.

There are blinds eyes that needs to open; there are sick people that needs to get heal; and lot more, and all this illness are there for we to demonstrate God’s power. Believe and you shall see the manifestation of God’s power.

You are called believer because you are expected to do greater work than Christ by believing on him.

-         GLORIOUS TEAM, G.T

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